Selfie Propaganda Poster

For this project, we used Adobe Illustrator to re-create a selfie picture of ourselves and make it into a propaganda/ political poster. In my project, I decided to turn my selfie into a propaganda poster for the company we all know and love called "Zoom". I personally believe that zoom is essential for future education with how the world is living with the Coronavirus. This poster is meant to convey the message that as long as you log into your zoom and go to your classes, you will be able to learn best! I believe that with the smile and logos, it convinces the audience to have a good opinion on zoom as a whole, improving the amount of schools to use Zoom for their online classes. I also chose to use a very strong and technical looking font to further push the message to get on your computer and go to class. The political poster that most influenced my design in my poster was the Kennedy and Johnson presidential poster, which goes for a simplistic approach with pictures of them both smiling. I used gradients to make my face, hair, and neck have shadows and look more realistic. I chose these colors for the poster because I liked the way they popped when they were together and the blue is the color that zoom uses in their logo. Overall, I really enjoyed this project and looking at all of the different propaganda examples. This project took be about 6 hours to make, the hair was the most difficult thing to get right, but I am happy with how my poster came out.



  1. Your propaganda poster is very appropriate and needed for this year! It sends a great message and encourages people to keep working towards their goals. I like the color theme you chose, the blue and purple go nicely together. I would suggest putting one large Zoom logo behind the illustration of yourself instead of having the four Zoom logos. I think people are already very familiar with the Zoom logo so only having one will get the message across.


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