Calligram Project


I created this project using Adobe Illustrator and the many drawing tools that it is equipped with. The main tools that I used for my calligram were the pen tool, the ellipse tool, the rectangle tool, the text on line tool, and finally the regular text tool.

The words used to draw this illustration are all taken from a letter that I wrote to myself, 20 years from now. I chose to make these words into this image because I thought it represented the way that I think and how my letter also was basically me talking in my head and expressing my thoughts to myself. I am a technical person and I feel like the picture that I used for inspiration shows the technicality of my thoughts. The font that I used helped the image flow better because they were smooth letters that did not have any sharp turns. I chose these colors because I thought that they popped and just made the image look a lot better, distinguishing the color of the brain to pink was important because that is where the most text is and where I want to emphasize that the brain is where the most thought is in. I feel like the robot style of the image is a tip of the hat to the education system and how they are teaching students to work like robots with unreasonable demands in some cases. 

This project took be about 4 hours to complete and I enjoyed making it. 



  1. I really like how detailed you made this image and how you took the time to make some of the words stand out much more than the rest. I also like the colors you chose. Overall, I think you did a really good job!

  2. This project is incredibly well done. It looks very clean and precise, yet there are a lot of different elements at play. The difference in sizes in the text helped the details stand out and added texture, and the contrast in color of the brain was a really interesting feature.


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